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   WZM Award for Compassion 


Ruth Handy  presenting WZM  Award for Compassion


WZM Award # 15 Presented on June 8, 2009 to Jacqueline Ramirez - Frazier Mountain High School.






by Jacqueline Ramirez

So many people in this world suffer everyday from many things: hunger, depression, loss of loved ones, abuse, poverty, homelessness, and countless other things. Compassion is define as: "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering." Understanding why people are in pain is one thing, but it is a true virtue to feel compassion towards others. When someone says that another person is compassionate, there is that knowledge that this person cares for the feelings of others, but there is much more to compassion than just caring. Compassion is such a rare virtue held by people because it takes more than understanding the pain and suffering that people experience, it also takes being able to connect with someone on an emotional level. In order to have true compassion for others the understanding that you must have is one of their pains, you must feel what they feel, take on their sorrow and find a way to help them alleviate their pain. Compassion involves the heart and soul of the person and when you put your heart and soul into helping another, it translates into a different level of helping. At an emotional level, people find it hard to be compassionate; it is easier to ease someone's physical suffering than their emotional suffering. When a person is compassionate, they look beyond the suffering and pain that the person feels and looks at the actual person to help them. Associating compassion to everyday life is often tied to helping the poor, giving time to charity work, but what people often do not realize is that the compassion that is often given is one that is superficial in a way and does not reach its full potential. God is as always compassionate and unconditionally loving and this absoluteness is beyond the comprehension of many people. When we empathize with others, we must truly understand without any prejudice or judgement.

I have only seen one true example of compassion in my life, but it has been consistent and always there, and that has been my mother. She is able to sit at a table with a cup of coffee and be able to talk to someone, just talk. With those talks, she is able to relieve their worries for just a few moments, sometimes hours. She has always felt that by talking about your problems, it puts them out in the open and allows you to face them head on. By doing this, she associates with people in a way that she is able to take their pain, understand what it is that they are suffering, and be able to put people at peace by being a compassionate person who listens and gives an outlet for the pain. Compassion can take many foirms and be expressed in many ways. Compassion does not have to be an action; it can be in the form of a simple gesture, or a smile or even a conversation.


Ruth Ratna Handy, LCSW
(818) 834-5925


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